It motioned to a Poké Ball lying on the ground in front of it, expressing its desire to join his party. While leaving Professor Sycamore's laboratory the next day, Froakie threw a chunk of its Frubbles in Ash's face in order to get his attention. In order to prevent her from falling down the Prism Tower, Froakie used its Frubbles on Garchomp's feet, and Pikachu broke the device using Iron Tail. Ash, along with Froakie and his Pikachu, headed out to rescue Garchomp. Later on, Team Rocket attempted to use a ring-type device against Froakie, but the lab's resident Garchomp got caught in it instead, causing her to go on a rampage after the machine malfunctioned. Asking about its Trainer, Ash was informed, by Sycamore, that its Trainer had called to give Froakie back.
In Lumiose City Pursuit!, Ash decided to take Froakie to Sycamore's lab, where it was treated and restored to full health. It volunteered to help out by successfully using its Frubbles to counter Jessie's Wobbuffet, but ended up receiving quite a bit of damage during the encounter. It continued to observe the group until Team Rocket intervened in Ash and Clemont's friendly Pokémon battle. In Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!, Froakie first saw Ash when he was kicked out of the Prism Tower. As a result, Froakie had gone through several Trainers, always returning to Sycamore after either leaving them or being returned for being disobedient. It then learned that it could only get strong with a Trainer it truly trusted, and thus became very selective of its Trainer. A Nurse Joy healed Froakie and gave it to Professor Sycamore to be given away as a starter Pokémon.

Due to this, it was seen as a disturbance to the group and was attacked. While the other Froakie spent their time playing and dancing, it spent most of its time away from the others training itself.

As a Froakie, it hatched from an Egg and initially lived its life alongside other Froakie in a pond. Greninja's early life was first seen in a flashback in Cloudy Fate, Bright Future!.